About Me

Unlikely homeschooling mom of 4 extraordinary kids, work-from-home marketer, and adoring wife of the most amazing man in the world. Join us in our Catholic homeschooling adventures (and misadventures) as we tackle everything from saints to seismographs, latin to linking verbs and everything between. There is never a dull moment at the REAL Jellybean Clubhouse!

Mr R

Mr R
Our oldest - 10. You can always find him with his nose in a book or his hands on a video game. He is super bright, very funny and always thinking of ways to make & spend money.

Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet
Age 8. A girly-girl disguised as a tomboy. She is a master of arts & crafts and can bake up a storm. Always willing to try something new. She is our princess.


Age 5; but thinks he is 11. Hilarious and charming; loves the outdoors and could spend all day out there. Gives the best hugs & claims that he never actually sleeps at night.

Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey
22 months.....adorable and full of mischief & curls. Follows his siblings everywhere and loves them to bits. Makes you want to have another :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week Ending January 27th

Phew!  Only 4 days left in the month and then good-bye January......how sweet it will be to see you go :)

This week was MUCH better at the clubhouse.  And here is why:

I spent less time on my computer in the mornings.  It is so easy to get the kids working on something and then to steal 5 minutes to check my work email and respond to a few of them, or hang out over at TWTM boards, or check the local news, look at last minute vacation deals or whatever.......but that 5 minutes very easily can turn into 10 or 20 minutes and next thing you know, the kids have finished their tasks, realized that I am preoccupied, and then they go wild.  And then Mom gets upset that things have gotten out of control and the vicious cycle begins of meltdowns from the kids, mom getting increasingly frustrated, everyone in a foul mood and then lots of tears, grumpy faces and misery all around.

It worked.

Now I will be 100% honest and tell you that I DID check my work email and I DID have to do a little bit of my work, but it wasn't constant and I made sure that I stopped once the kids were finishing up their tasks.

I went into the office all day Tuesday while the substitute teacher (Mr W) took over.  Let's just say that Mr W has a much different approach to their schoolwork when he is home.  They had lots of fun - but not much work was done.  We stayed up until 10pm that night getting caught up, and the kids LOVED being able to do their work at night.  Mr W and I agreed that on the days he takes over - we call it a PD day :)

On Wednesday, Miss Muffett had an appointment with the orthodontist.  Phase II of her ortho treatment has started; complete with a top appliance and full head gear to wear at night.  She is less than thrilled but handling it all like a real trooper.  And she is loving FLL & WWE. 

Awwww Mom....not again.

Chunky still won't nap that well in the afternoon which continues to drive me crazy.  We have tried every trick in the book without success.  I've been spending lots of time outside with him in the morning and after lunch - but even that doesn't tire him out.  I joked with Miss Muffett that we just need to go to a big empty field and let him run for an hour!  I am not ready for him to be nap-free!!!!  I need that time in the afternoon for work and for the other 3 kiddos! 

Up from his nap!  He makes his way downstairs...

Rather than napping on Thursday, Chunky was trying to be helpful.  He dunked the swiffer mop into the toilet and proceeded to "mop" the floor.  I thought it was pretty cute until I realized that someone hadn't flushed the toilet so he was actually mopping pee everywhere!!  ARRGHHHH!  Spent the next 20 minutes disinfecting the floor. Yep, that was fun.

Today was a fairly good day.  We were supposed to go our enrichment classes but freezing rain and snow descended early this morning so the classes were cancelled.  The kids spent some time doing schoolwork and had their friends over to play for a little bit. 

To finish up a much improved week, DH texted me today to tell me he had booked me in for a mani/pedi tomorrow morning at a local spa.  He is the best.


  1. Oh my goodness, your little guy sounds like a handful. What a cutie! My oldest was the same way when he was 2. I'm in awe of how much you manage to get done!

  2. Oh no, I hope my little one doesn't stop napping that early on...how would I ever get stuff done? OMGOODNESS about the floors...I'd say it's funny but then I imagine that happening to me and my heart goes out to you my dear...at least he wants to help ;). So nice of your hubby to hook you up with some pamperin'...it looks like it's much deserved :).

  3. My dd stopped napping quite young too, though, thankfully, she never mopped from the toilet! LOL Looks like a good week - enjoy your mani-pedi!

  4. I am very familiar with that morning computer cycle...and I have to stop it!

    Also, my 2YO (almost 3YO) hasn't napped since about 18months. Cry.

  5. Haha! Your little guy. Enjoy your spa retreat! How fun!

  6. Found you through the WTM. i noticed you used Headsprout Reading Comprehension for your Daughter. Did you think it was worth the cost?
    Thanks (in advance)
