About Me

Unlikely homeschooling mom of 4 extraordinary kids, work-from-home marketer, and adoring wife of the most amazing man in the world. Join us in our Catholic homeschooling adventures (and misadventures) as we tackle everything from saints to seismographs, latin to linking verbs and everything between. There is never a dull moment at the REAL Jellybean Clubhouse!

Mr R

Mr R
Our oldest - 10. You can always find him with his nose in a book or his hands on a video game. He is super bright, very funny and always thinking of ways to make & spend money.

Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet
Age 8. A girly-girl disguised as a tomboy. She is a master of arts & crafts and can bake up a storm. Always willing to try something new. She is our princess.


Age 5; but thinks he is 11. Hilarious and charming; loves the outdoors and could spend all day out there. Gives the best hugs & claims that he never actually sleeps at night.

Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey
22 months.....adorable and full of mischief & curls. Follows his siblings everywhere and loves them to bits. Makes you want to have another :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

What did we do this week?

This week didn't go exactly as planned.  I had hoped to have the kids do a little bit of schoolwork but not a single thing was done :( 

But we did get the tree up, finally! 

Chunky is very intrigued by it and is constantly pulling decorations off of it!!  Good thing we went for the non-breakable ones this year rather than our usual assortment.  We continued the tradition of giving each of the kiddos a new ornament, and here they are:

Chunky's ornament

Hug-A-Bugs's ornament (yes it is the Biebs)

Miss Muffet's ornament

Mr. R's ornament

We headed across the border Tuesday to pick up a few things, had piano with Hug-A-Bug Tuesday night, and he helped me finish up some Christmas shopping later that evening.

The kids have decorated gingerbread houses, played a LOT and have spent time planning a special "event" of some kind for everyone on Christmas day.  We've also been doing a few random acts of kindness throughout the week........I know we get so much more out of it than the recipients :)

Uncle M stopped by with the coolest Christmas tree for the kids!  Love it!

"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more." —Dr. Seuss

The rest of the week has been busy with getting the house ready for all of our guests this weekend.  We are having various family over beginning the morning of Christmas Eve through to Boxing Day so there was lots to do!  The kids have been very helpful the last few days but today (Friday) they are just going crazy!!  The anticipation and excitement is making them all so goofy and silly.  I think it is time for the Polar Express and a big bowl of potato chips!

So, here we are today.  The presents are all wrapped, the grocery shopping is done, the house is clean (mostly) and now we can enjoy the next few days!  We start by celebrating the 50th birthday of a good friend tonight! 

We wish you & your loved ones the gift of faith, the blessing of hope and the peace of His love this Christmas and all year.  May you be surrounded by much love and joy this Christmas season.

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