(Oops! No photos this week - can't find my cord!)
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends! We are celebrating here by having a big turkey dinner with all the trimmings tonight. Hope you all enjoyed a nice little break from school :)
No break for us here. It has been full-on, pedal to the metal at our house. It is the first week in a very LONG time that we have done a full 5 day week. The kids did fantastic. Great attitudes, great focus, and great motivation all week long. In spite of having runny noses & coughs............
Here is what was accomplished this week at the REAL Jellybean Clubhouse;
Chunky Monkey is still not talking that much, but understands everything. He wants to be involved in the schoolwork and he loves to help out with the chores. He hasn't tried climbing out of his crib again, but he has fallen down the stairs twice this week! Nothing serious - the stairs leading to the basement are carpet and are only 6 steps to the landing area so although he was scared, no injuries. This child definitely has his Guardian Angels working overtime these days.
Hug-A-Bug was just a machine this week again! I can't believe how much he is into his work and how he enjoys it. It brings such joy to watch his eyes sparkle and light up as he learns so many new things. This week in math, he was reviewing counting by 2s & 10s, solidifying his number facts (addition of the doubles facts, addition & subtraction of the 1s up to 10), learning about pennies & dimes and how to count money and starting on fractions (halves & quarters). I was going to start him on Spelling Workout A this week but decided to give him a break. We will give it a go next week. We started Poetry this week and he had his poem ("The Little Turtle" by Vachel Lindsay) memorized on the 2nd day!
Miss Muffet had a fabulous week as well. We spent a lot of time reviewing grammar concepts this week. I was worried about her retention in GWG this year and was almost about to switch back to FLL but I think we will keep at GWG, with some pretty intensive regular review built in. She has a much better understanding of subjects & predicates (simple & compound) as well as quotations (direct & indirect). We will jump back into GWG next week. Math is coming along - she is on Lesson #46 and did all of it independently again this week. French is going well, no issues at all. Now I'm trying to figure out when to add in Prima Latina. Maybe in the new year? Miss Muffet's poem this week was "The Violet" by Jane Taylor - I think this poem will take us through next week before it is fully memorized. She has done a great job so far.
Mr R had an awesome week as well. He had all of his work done by noon almost every day. I'm beginning to think I'm not giving him enough!! He finished up Lesson #34 in Saxon 7/6 and is not finding it very challenging. There are so many new concepts though (like reciprocals this week!) that he doesn't know, but then he gets it right away and has zero issues with the rest of the lesson. In order to challenge him a little more, I ordered the Singapore Math Challenging Word Problems. I'm going to try & sneak in at least 1 of those a day. I love Saxon but I find that there is a real lack of this type of problem solving in their program. Mr R also finished up his biology unit (all 31 lessons!) and he has the BIG test next week. It looks pretty hard to be honest so I am going to help him study over the weekend. I'm disappointed that we didn't get around to the fish dissection :( He still wants to do this so perhaps tomorrow?? He also finished A Triumph for Flavius and can't get enough extra reading in. Mr R's poetry selection this week was "The Arrow & The Song" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. He has it memorized 100%!! This is the same child who couldn't remember a single sentence when we did WWE4 dictation last year!!
Well I better get this posted and get back to the turkey & all the fixings that still need to be prepared! We have Miss Muffet's birthday party this weekend - which is a trip to the movies to see Arthur Christmas! Should be fun. Wishing everyone a great weekend!
(I actually got this done on Friday!!! WhooHooo!! - but only because DH is home today and helping out with the kids!)
Yah! for great attitudes! Looks like you had a great week--thanks for sharing!