About Me

Unlikely homeschooling mom of 4 extraordinary kids, work-from-home marketer, and adoring wife of the most amazing man in the world. Join us in our Catholic homeschooling adventures (and misadventures) as we tackle everything from saints to seismographs, latin to linking verbs and everything between. There is never a dull moment at the REAL Jellybean Clubhouse!

Mr R

Mr R
Our oldest - 10. You can always find him with his nose in a book or his hands on a video game. He is super bright, very funny and always thinking of ways to make & spend money.

Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet
Age 8. A girly-girl disguised as a tomboy. She is a master of arts & crafts and can bake up a storm. Always willing to try something new. She is our princess.


Age 5; but thinks he is 11. Hilarious and charming; loves the outdoors and could spend all day out there. Gives the best hugs & claims that he never actually sleeps at night.

Chunky Monkey

Chunky Monkey
22 months.....adorable and full of mischief & curls. Follows his siblings everywhere and loves them to bits. Makes you want to have another :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our Chore System

Chores at our House

I've seen & heard so many people asking about chores and wanting to find a "system" for their families.  I thought I would share our chore system.  It is easy to set up & easy to use.  Here is how I did it:

I started by first brainstorming some of the regular chores that need to be done at our house, either on a daily basis or weekly basis.  I also added in a few extras, that don't get done that frequently but still need to be done.

Next, I purchased some labels that can be printed out - using MSWord to create the templates.  I made up chore cards that listed the steps for each chore so there was no confusion about what was expected :)

 I gave the chores funny names - and the kids still think it is pretty fun to read them.  Here are some examples:

Once all of the chore labels were printed, I put them on plain white index cards.  I guess I could have laminated them but I didn't want to go to the trouble or expense.  And they have held up pretty well anyway.

I put a little red dot on the chores that can also be used as consequences for unacceptable behaviours. 
I keep all of the chores in a recipe card box (found cheap at the local dollar store) and put a card (or 2 or 3) in each child's slot every evening for the next day. 

The chart is posted on the wall in our kitchen.  They check it every morning and pull out their chore cards when it is their chore time.  Once the chore is done, they put it in the Completed slot and I can easily keep track of what has been done and what still needs to be done.

When we first started doing this, I took the time to work with them on each of the more complicated chores (like laundry and bathroom cleaning).  I wanted them to be clear about each of the steps and how they were to be done.  I also wanted to show them how to do it so they knew what was expected.  

I think the kids do a great job - the bathrooms may not be done perfectly or as I would do them myself, but what a huge difference it makes in keeping things running smoothly and keeping the house tidy.  They learn a lot in the process and it has become part of our day.

Hope it can help some families out there!


  1. What a great idea! I like the funny names on the chores. I'm a big believer in kids doing chores as well. It is so important for many reasons. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi!
    I do something similar but I added the magnets and hang them on my fridge. They are also laminated so the kids can mark them off with dry erase markers. Great minds think a like! LOL

  3. That's a great idea! I love the headings that you gave the jobs.

  4. Great chore system. I am looking for somehting for my kids I purchased a chore system that is not working so well. Currently I am going through making a list of things that need to be done daily, weekly, monthly etc. I will keep your suggestions in mind.

  5. I like your chore system! Very neat idea.
